6 of the Most Common Ghostwriting FAQs Answered: How to Conduct Research for Ghostwriting Your Clients' Books
This post is the second part of my current series of articles where I'll be answering the most common FAQs on ghostwriting that I am being frequently asked. In case you missed the first one, you can catch up here . Today's question is: Question #2: How do I conduct research for ghostwriting my clients' books? Answer: When you are ghostwriting, you have to make sure every bit of information that you have is accurate. In case of a non-fiction book, things may be easy as most of the facts are out there already. Fiction books, on the other hand, are not as simple. They have made up stories alright, but the happenings and events must be related somehow to the real world. In case of biographies, memoirs or historical books, things get a little bit more complicated. You may be asked to write stories that are personal to your clients. Nobody may have experienced or witnessed events that they did. Your clients may state the facts as they know or can recall ...