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Showing posts with the label optimisation

The Fuss About SEO

If you are a freelance writer like me, you know hundreds of clients come up to you asking you to write SEO-optimised articles, blogs, or product descriptions. They give you a list of keywords and sometimes mention a keyword density to use in the text. Why do they do that? Why is everyone so crazy about SEO? Let's find out. What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)? Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of getting traffic to your website by listing on a search engines. When you type in something in you're looking for in your search engine like Google or Yahoo, it returns a long list of results. The results are returned on the basis of a particular ranking done by these search engines. Now, how are these ranked? All the web pages, documents, videos and local listings are ranked based on what the search engine considers most relevant to the person conducting the search.  For example: if your keywords are, lets say, 'ghostwriting book's, and