Hello all!
Recently many people have come across asking me how I actually get about writing a book or an eBook. Some of the questions that now I'm been tired of answering are:
Recently many people have come across asking me how I actually get about writing a book or an eBook. Some of the questions that now I'm been tired of answering are:
- Can anyone do it or are there any special skills required?
- Is the process simple or complicated?
- How do they get published?
That's why I've decided to dedicate my next series of blog posts to all those curious minds out there who wish to write their own book and get it published for others to read their ideas. I hope to make the process sound as simple as possible.
In this first post about writing your own book, I'll start off with simple tips and tricks to let you get started.
To answer the question " Can anyone do it?", I'd say, "No, not really. But many can". If we could all write, a ghostwriter like myself would not have existed in the first place. And there would be no other way to make money than just by writing. Think if we were all writers, who'd be the readers?
There's some form creativity you need with words. You need to be able to think out of the box. You need to have an imagination that comes alive as soon as you start reading and must have the ability to transfer this to your readers when you write something down. If this describes you, you can definitely write your own book.
Having determined that you can write, try keeping a pen and a notebook with you and near you all the time. It'd be more appropriate to have a laptop or tablet handy, talking about writing in this era. Now as soon as ideas, thoughts, catchy phrases or narratives start boggling your mind, just jot them down. They might come to you while you're relaxing, reading, lying down on your couch or even halfway during your sleep! For now it'll just be writing everything down so you don't tend to lose anything. Weaving them together to give it the shape of the book come later.
Starting off with a short story, then several short ones and then aiming for a more complicated, well-connected novel or even a series or novels is always good. The more you practice writing, the better you'd get at writing. the better you are, the more your chances of writing a good book and engaging your readers.
Why not start today and see if you can come up with something interesting?
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