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My Freelance Writing Journey: Right from the Beginning to Where I Stand Now

This February (2018) marked the 9th year of my career as a freelance ghostwriter and copywriter. There were so many questions boggling my mind about how far have I come now. It'll be just one more year and I'll have completed a decade in my career as a freelance writer.... 10 years! Wow! Sounds like a really long time, although it feels like I only started yesterday!

 I was asking myself:

What have I done so far? 
Have I done enough?
Should I stop now or continue doing what I have been during all these years?

Too many questions, right? But they all seemed to be jumping around in the little mind that I have, as if it was a trampoline. They needed to be answered somehow so they would stop bothering me, so I looked back to where I began and continued to ponder.....

Freelance Writing for Triond

When I first started writing back in 2009, I just wrote articles and published them on a website called Triond. What a sheer waste of time it was! I published over a hundred articles there on whatever I fancied writing about. It just turned out to be a big scam. The site no longer exists and unfortunately I have no record of those articles. All that time and effort put into writing those articles was flushed straight down the drain. I did get a chance to practise my writing skills there a bit though. The only other good thing I learnt from there was to move on and do something better.

Finding More Productive Freelance Writing Jobs

Next, I turned towards freelance websites like Essaywriters, Elance, Odesk among a couple others to find better paying freelance writing jobs online. Elance turned out to work the best for me. I found my first job there within just a couple of days. It was fortunately a big job that lasted few weeks, and paid well (or at least I thought so at that time). Once done, the same client offered me another writing job and I won a few more pretty quickly. I was lucky enough to build my reputation on this freelance writing website with decent feedbacks in no time.

While I was doing that, I also wrote for Essaywriters: it was another one of those freelance writing sites, but focussed on academic writing only. Although that was quick money, I didn't personally enjoy doing homeworks for lazy students. They should be doing it themselves, shouldn't they? Why should they be paying someone else to do it? I knew pretty quickly that it was a big NO NO for me.

Meanwhile, I had gathered clients who came back to me regularly with more freelance writing jobs. Lucky for me, they referred me to their friends, family members and business partners. Work came in easy and quickly for me without much effort. I was a happy bunny!

 However, it wasn't all just glitters and sparkles.....

In 2011, I became the mother of a beautiful boy. As a new mom, I had very limited time to handle all the writing jobs alone. I was struggling and had had many sleepless nights. I was crumbling under the pressure of work and the situation was getting worse by the day. I thought about giving up on my writing work completely. Just then, something really wonderful struck my brain.

Giving Birth to My Own Writing Business

I came up with an idea of building my own business in writing. Being my own boss, and deciding my own hours to work sounded intriguing. Ghostwriters' World was born.

Besides working myself, I hired several talented and experienced writers to work with me at Ghostwriters' World. We started to cater to all of our clients' writing needs as a team, be it copywriting, creative writing, ghostwriting, blogging, video scripting- you name it! There is at least one experienced and talented freelancer at Ghostwriters' World to do it all.

Revealing Myself from Behind the Curtain

While Ghostwriters' World was successfully working for me, I also decided to publish something in my own name instead of staying behind the scenes as a ghostwriter. I was advised by a couple of published authors to start off with non-fiction books as they seem to work better for those who are  just starting off with their first book. I took their advice and began researching on the topics I knew and could write the best about.

As a new parent, what I thought at the time would work the best for me was to write books on parenting. I was already doing a lot of research then on how to raise kids, how to breastfeed them, wean them, deal with their tantrums, sleep issues and all the other things that I had never known about or experienced before.

Instead of parents reading those hefty books that are hundreds of thousands of pages long (like I did), that further deprives them of their sleep and leaves them even more tired than they are, there had to be a short cut to do things! That's when it struck to me- parents need handy guides to help them out.

 I decided to create short and handy guides for new parents, something that would give parents quick and instant advice, tips and tricks about what to do and how to do it. Mission accomplished!

 It took me a good year or two to research and write those handy guides. I managed to self-publish about 5 or 6 books in the series of parenting on Amazon KDP. It was a big milestone of my life. I would love to get back to it and publish my own fiction books and children's stories but being swarmed with freelance work at all times doesn't allow for it all. We (by we I mean my wonderful team of ghostwriters) have to keep serving and catering those old and valued clients to keep them coming back to us for more.

A couple of years ago, I build a  Facebook page for Ghostwriters' World. You can access it here. I also created this blog at the same time but due to the lack of time, I could not update it much until last year (2017). I keep posting here on a weekly basis to try and help budding writers and ghostwriters. Sometimes, I use it as a way to let my feelings out and to express my straight-out-of-the-heart opinions on the norms of our society and culture.

In 2014, I was blessed with my second child while my journey of freelance copywriting and ghostwriting continued.

2018 is Here.....But Where am I Now?

 So, where do I stand now in 2018. Today I am a published author, an editor, ghostwriter, creative writer, copywriter and story writer. I am an owner of Ghostwriters' World and a blogger too. Does it all end here? Probably not just yet.

I firmly believe I can do much better than what I am doing now. I would like to grow and expand my writing business and become a successful blogger one day, help train other freelancers and give them solid advice on developing a successful writing business from scratch. I do not want them to struggle to make their place in the market like I did. I want to go ahead and publish more books in my name. I have got the ideas- just need the time to bring them together and publish them. I want to do so much more.  There's really no stopping me, now!


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