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Showing posts from October, 2013

Writing Enticing Product Descriptions

The most number of orders I get from my clients involve writing enticing and captivating ecommerece product description for their website. Words are powerful: they can make or break a relationship and they can help you sell what you can't sell. I've made a list of some very simple, yet useful tips here to get your own product descriptions written without having to pay a content writer to do it for you: Focus on your product alone. Don't talk about other products. Jot down all relevant information about the product. Don't miss out on anything. Make a list of all the useful features separately. Qualities like affordable, long-lasting, unique are always good. People are looking for them! Use keywords for SEO . But don't do any keyword stuffing Think about the target audience. Write as if you're talking to them. Entice them. Keep it simple and short. People don't have time to read too much, but do that without missing out on any useful information. 1...

Hiring an Inexperienced Freelance Writer

Previously we talked about making a wise decision when hiring a ghostwriter to write for you or on behalf of you. The ability to write is God gifted, but imagination is truly beyond any question. You  may be someone who has some brilliant ideas jotted down in the form of small notes. You might want to enlighten people with your great thoughts but still cannot manage to give those notes the look of a good book. What can you do about it? Simply put a full stop to your worries by hiring an expert ghostwriter.  However, they may turn out to be expensive.  If your are trying to work things out on a budget and you have not had any previous experience with  ghost writers ,  do not worry you can easily locate them on various freelancing platforms such as Elance and still get your job done in a pocket-friendly manner. How to Pick One? The right kind of ghostwriter or freelance writer for your job can easily be hired by having a look at his previous checking ou...

How Much Does a Ghostwriter Earn?

People often ask me how much I with this little business of ghostwriting . Wrong question-I know! But, I think it needs to be answered in some way or the other, just to help the budding freelance writers to know what to expect and to create realistic goals while they are starting their careers as ghostwriters.This is also to help those who are thinking of hiring a ghostwriter for their next book. Some people may actually be trying to judge how strong you are financially or rate your success in life by finding out how much you make on a monthly or annual basis by asking such questions. Who cares though? We really can't change the way people think. Can we? No! All we can do is stay calm and carry on. To be completely honest with you, there is not an exact figure of how much I make in a year through my ghostwriting business at Ghostwriters' World . Why? Because it is just like any other business. There are ups and downs. Profits and even losses. Happy customers and dissat...

Ghostwriting – Convenience or a Lie?

While people are  increasingly  relying on ghostwriters to write books, web content, articles, stories or blogs on their behalf, there are still some people who do not appreciate the idea. Of course, the ghostwriter never seems to get the credit for his/her work and earns only a fraction of what the owner of the book or article earns. Doesn't sound fair? Or does it? Here's my honest opinion on it. Why do People Hire Ghostwriters? People hire ghostwriters for the sake of convenience. They may want something written, for example a novel, a memoir, a blog, an article or even engaging content for their website or descriptions of the products they wish to sell. They might have brilliant ideas to write a book that they are thinking about selling and making some money out of. They might just need to fill up their blog with quality content to keep their readers engaged and to increase traffic. So why do they need you? Despite all that, they may be lacking the time and  ne...

Making Ghostwriting Your Career

Enough information about blogs, websites, search engines, SEO and all those trending topics talking about how you can establish your online presence! Let's get back to the topic of 'ghostwriting', something this blog is originally about. Now, before I go any further, I just want to make sure you know what ghostwriting is. It may sound funny but many people still think it's writing about ghosts, witches and those scary things.  While ghostwriting literally means the same, the main idea behind ghostwriting is that you write on someone else's behalf. So basically, if you know a well-known author out there, he probably wasn't the mastermind behind his books. It was a ghostwriter! Does that sound a bit insane or may be unfair to you? You write something and someone else gets the credit for it....Well to some extent it is, but I still believe  establishing  your career as a ghostwriter  is a wonderful idea. Or at least  that's  w...