you may have already picked up from its name, back-links are any links received from another
website or webpage.
They back or support your page or website.
They back or support your page or website.
importance of back-links is in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The number of back-links is an indication of the popularity or
importance of your website or webpage. Google uses back-links as a
measure when looking at your page ranking on its search engine.
Back-links are also important because they can drive traffic directly to your site from people who click on the links. For example, if another blog publishes an article on SEO, and they link to one of my articles, let's say for reference purposes, posted on my blog, 'Ghostwriters' World', a backlink has automatically been created. Anyone who reads the other article will potentially click on my back-link for more information.
have a third purpose. They may also be of significant analytical
value. They indicate who is noticing your website or webpage. You can
analyze the data by personal, cultural or semantic interest of the
visitors. This information can help when you are making changes to
your website as well as to your products and services.
back-links allow you to keep track of what other pages or websites
are linking to your posts. Let's assume, I write a blog about ghostwriting. Sam reads this blog and finds it
helpful. He then mentions it on his blog and writes a post about it, linking back to my original post. Now, my post will
automatically show that Sam has linked to it, adding a short entry
about Samās post, and a link to his post. Simple!
In my next post, I'll tell you how to get more back-links on your website. Stay tuned!
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